Pattern maker...

OfMiceAndDestiny 11/26/2012 12:38 pm 27246

Earlier I was trying to create a 3D Gameboy case and instead of pressing the "Back" arrow on pattern maker I pressed the "Back" button (Whatever you call it) On my computer instead which took me back to the previous page. I lost everything! And on top of that I did it 3 times in a row! Has anyone else done this before? It gets super annoying

9 Replies

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Mar 10, 2020 8:29 pm

Buenas noches

soy nueva en el grupo, deseo comenzar a realizar patrones para hacer mis propias pulseras , pero no se como utilizar el creador de patrones

Apr 24, 2017 3:43 pm

Is anyone else have a problem in pattern maker with bringing in a URL picture to import??? It was working them just stopped and it just spins(thinks) and never brings the picture in????? I really like this function. Please help.

  • Steven Clark
Feb 15, 2017 4:27 pm

Does anyone have an exact layout f a kandi surgical mask pattern layout? I want to create a design but just need like the outline of the mask to make sure I don't make pattern to big. Do not want a full faced mask pattern. Thanks

  • James justin oliver
Apr 27, 2015 7:03 pm
I love candy patterns there so fun to do
Aug 24, 2013 2:53 pm
I've never had that happen to me and I've been making patterns for a while. I've clicked the wrong thing and exited out before, but not in the actual pattern maker. But if you're having that kind of trouble then definitely save multiple times throughout the process! Or instead of using the back arrow, just go over it with another color or blend the mistake into the pattern. I've done that MANY times on my bag panels lol
Nov 26, 2012 2:39 pm
I agree. Better safe than sorry tongue
Nov 26, 2012 1:58 pm
Good. I am a compulsive saver, lol. it all started in middle school when the power went out while I was writing an essay and I lost all my work sad it's a good habit to have though
Nov 26, 2012 1:47 pm
"Crumpet": Save often! Not just on the pattern maker, but with essays, emails, etc. There is nothing I can change on the current pattern maker to stop this from happening. Ima start doing that now tongue When I'm making a pattern I'm off in lala land so I don't realize what I'm doing. I need to pay more attention to that as well >~e
Nov 26, 2012 12:46 pm
Save often! Not just on the pattern maker, but with essays, emails, etc. There is nothing I can change on the current pattern maker to stop this from happening.