Anyone up for trading a nyan cat cuff for something

bringzoiethehorizon 5/30/2016 09:31 am 1470

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513b39525823e_crying.gifi will make anything that is 35 rows and under. Or i can make a few smaller cuffs.Message me on here for more details.513b395294129_tongue.gif514c877238924_rainbowsmile.gif5148b08a2dcc5_rainbow-afroken.gif51485f23d9e7b_beating-heart.gifRESPOND ASAP

6 Replies

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Jun 3, 2016 4:27 am

@Twiitch: cuff

Jun 2, 2016 10:50 pm

@bringzoiethehorizon: What kind of artwork are you looking to get; mask, cuff, bra, necktie?

Jun 1, 2016 6:12 pm

@Twiitch: awesome happy i really like the nyan cat huge design.happyThank you for responding and being so nice happy

Jun 1, 2016 5:37 pm

@bringzoiethehorizon: I don't mind what they are. happy I like kandi in general. It's the exposure between two people that counts. happy

Jun 1, 2016 4:57 pm

@Twiitch: oh yeah i can only do cuffs sadly

Jun 1, 2016 3:12 am

Are you looking for Nyan Cat? If so, I can start making some if you want me to. I don't have any, but if you want me to do a certain type or certain pattern, I can. I don't do perler patterns however.