RawrIHazCupcake's Profile





Last online: 4-29-2016 10:13am

RawrIHazCupcake's Friends

Hi there! The name is Erica! :) I'm 20, Pansexual, and i believe in giving everyone a chance rather than judging a book by its cover. been making kandi for maybe a year or 2 now and i really love it! I have depression and anxiety so it keeps me calm and its a way to let my creativity flow. feel free to message me or add me! I love new friends!

RawrIHazCupcake's Photos

Displaying 1-20 of 50 photos

RawrIHazCupcake's Published Patterns

Displaying 21-27 of 27 patterns

RawrIHazCupcake's Other Patterns

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