SammehPsychoBunnieh's Profile

I finally remembered my user name, wow.

Tuesday Feb 19, 2013, 10:45 AM





Last online: 5-08-2020 9:12am
  • Notfit, GA
  • Profile Views: 869

SammehPsychoBunnieh's Friends

Hi guys my name is Samantha; Better known as Sammeh or Sammi or even Sam. I've been in a relationship since: 1/1/2010. I have no clue how to work the birthday thing on here, so I'm 16 and my birthday is on July 9th. I have loved Happy Hardcore, Nightcore, and trance since age 11, and started listening to other types of techno such as EDM and Dubstep at age 15. I have been raving since age 15. I live in Georgia. I love Gir & Hello Kitty! I AM AN AMERICAN OTAKU. I JUMPED INTO THE ANIME WORLD WHEN I WAS 6. I believe it's wrong to sell kandi :/

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