Nail_polish_remover's Profile

I just got new beads and string!!!!!!!! I am so happy :D I don't know what to make though :l but ill do something from my favs! :P

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024, 10:04 PM




Last online: 5-07-2024 1:25pm
  • Gender: female (She/her)
  • Colorado , USA And Mongolia
  • Profile Views: 111

Nail_polish_remover's Friends

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My name is Zulaa:) I live in Colorado, I've been making Kandi for about a year now. I have a dog named Wonder, I play the flute and Bass, I figure skate when I'm not hanging out with my friends or making kandi.

I'm from Mongolia (were I got my name) and the US I haven't lived in Mongolia for more then 3 months but, my family goes every 2 year ( or at lest try with Covid). I have moved 2 time but not that far, I still live in the same City and, I'm in only child (but I'm not lonely.) that's it for me >:D


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