TheCanisGuy's Profile

I am glad to be back at KandiPatterns and I look forward to making new Kandi creations. =]

Thursday Apr 11, 2024, 7:08 AM




Last online: 4-20-2024 3:30am
  • Columbus, IN, USA
  • Profile Views: 184

TheCanisGuy's Friends

Kandi Enthusiast Since 2012

Hey there! I'm Ronnie, also known as TheCanisGuy, and I've been immersed in the world of Kandi since 2012 when I stumbled upon a mesmerizing cuff on DeviantArt. That moment sparked my passion for this vibrant and creative craft, and I've been weaving beads into colorful designs ever since.

After taking a hiatus for a few years, I'm thrilled to be diving back into the world of Kandi-making. There's something truly magical about the process of stringing beads together to create unique patterns and pieces that spread joy and positivity.

Join me on this journey as I rediscover my love for Kandi and explore new techniques, patterns, and inspirations. Let's spread love, light, and good vibes, one bead at a time! PLUR!

***I accept all friend's requests.***

TheCanisGuy's Photos

Displaying 1-3 of 3 photos


A Wrist Full Of Positive Kandi
  • 82
  • 1


Colorful Kandi
  • 57
  • 0


  • 110
  • 0

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