Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Ribbon Perler Bead Pattern / Bead Sprite

Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Ribbon Perler Bead Pattern / Bead Sprite
Made by RavenRose
Date 2013-04-12 13:09:53
Hits 12967
Bead Counts
Size 24 columns wide x 21 rows tall

Kandi Pattern Comments

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  • Revere bigham
Jan 4, 2017 1:48 am

See post

  • Revere bigham
Jan 4, 2017 1:46 am

Thanks be to God and the wonderful Dr. Evans at the College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee, I am cancer free!!!!! I was Stage 2. I traveled from SC to WI. He is one of the top five pancreatic surgeons in the world. I was operated on Oct. 2014. I had two others doctors in Charlotte, NC and MD Anderson, TX say that I had 2 to 3 years to live if I could make it to surgery. They predict time left to live from the time they find it which was Jan. 2014 for me. People doctors matter. They are different just like in any field.

Go to the internet and type Wilwaukee 58 August 2016 Dr. Douglas Evans and sailing. You will be impressed.

I want to make something with the pancreatic symbol. I can cross stitch, but I do not know how to bead.

Any ideas?

God bless you all especially if cancer is in your family or you have it. There is hope!


Revere Bigham



  • shawtybabigurl
Apr 22, 2013 5:16 pm
My dad died from tht cancer
Apr 12, 2013 9:38 pm
Yeah, This pattern could be used for making all kinds of awareness ribbons big grin I'm Just a pancreatic cancer survivor so this one means the most to me happy
Apr 12, 2013 6:44 pm
Also Lupus awareness, I think I might use this pattern. Thanks!