MLP Fluttershy Cutie Mark Kandi Bikini Bra Bead Pattern

MLP Fluttershy Cutie Mark Kandi Bikini Bra Bead Pattern
Made by LoliPoison
Description MLP_Fluttershy_Cutie_Mark_Kandi_Bikini_Bra
Date 2012-06-19 04:36:21
Hits 6578
Bead Counts
Size 50 columns wide x 50 rows tall

Kandi Pattern Comments

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Jun 19, 2012 2:10 pm
i would like to see what this would look like on someone. cause im not sure if it would work.
Jun 19, 2012 6:18 pm
"kandikidgrape": i would like to see what this would look like on someone. cause im not sure if it would work. I am currently working on making a completed one to be able to post and show everyone what they physically look like but I ran out of my fishing line and haven't made it back to the store for some more just yet. I do plan on hopefully getting it done and posted by the end of the week however! So be sure to friend me and check back ^_^