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Displaying 190-210 of 411 results.

What was the last piece of kandi in your collection to break?

What was the last piece to break, if you didn't make it yourself, who gave it to you, and how important was it to you? My last piece to break was a simple ranbow striped cuff. I made it myself. It was one of the first cuffs I made, so I was proud of it, and was pretty sad when it broke, but oh well. Now, tell me yours!c:

7/25/2012 09:16 am 40 3487

Out Of Beads...

Sooooo.....Yeah like I said I'm out of beads >~< I'm supposed to be getting A LOT of beads for Christmas (Or at least that's what my mom's been telling me) and I'm going CRAZY! I haven't made anything in almost a month. What's the longest you've gone without making anything? Did it drive you NUTS?! >.

11/30/2012 11:05 am 7 1108

What do you wear when you wear a lot of your kandi?

I'm a DJ at my local skating rink and usually for work I alternate a Goth style with my super rainbow kandi every other week. Most of you guys wear a few cuffs, skinnies, and a band tee. I'm just wondering if there are any other combinations to alternate with my kandi so that my rainbow days are a little more rainbowy big grin Thanks ahead of time for your input.

2/7/2013 07:47 pm 3 1311

can someone make a totorial of how to make a wallet out of kandi?????

I really would like to make a wallet out of kandi but idk howsad plz help

2/9/2013 06:27 pm 1 1463

What do you guys do when you run out of ideas?

I'm always running out of ideas when it comes to what to make wheather it's a bracelet, or something out of perler beads, etc. Is there anything you guys do to come up with more ideas?
Thanks! big grin

2/10/2013 09:24 am 6 1500

how do i trade off of a belt?

I've never traded off of one. I just made one, how do I trade off of it. Like when its on your wrist you do PLUR, but what about a belt

4/26/2013 12:33 pm 4 2760

What was your first piece of kandi? Who gave it to you? Where was it?

Man, I feel like a total creeper for this really long question, but, yeah, what was your first piece of kandi, who gave it to you, and where was it?

My first piece of kandi was a penguin pez despenser I received at my ravemom's memorial serviced, and was given to me by my friend Red Raver.

5/2/2013 12:05 pm 13 2132

Outside of a Rave, Where Have You Traded Kandi?

Considering I was making kandi for four years before I actually went to an event, I did a great deal of trading/giving-away outside of raves. I still do now quite a bit--

Where is the most "unique" or "interesting" place you feel you have traded with an individual before?

For me, actually recently, I was at this drive in to get ice cream and the person who took my order said they really liked my kandi. While I waited for my order, I asked if they would like …

5/7/2013 02:03 pm 16 2856

Are any of you going to Sydney Supernova?

I'm wearing a bit of kandi to trade and I wanted to know if I'll be seeing any of your lovely faces there. :3

5/16/2013 04:26 am 0 633

What type of cuff did I make ^_^

Well I was going to make a 3d, but ended up just string on beads randomly. At the top and bottom there are just points, and I connected them. Then I wanted words so I put words on goings through the beads that connect the point. Did I make any type of cuff with a specific name? Or did I just discover a new type of cuff XD Ty much ^-^ Pictures below

7/24/2013 10:58 am 5 705

Can I make a panel with different sizes of beads?

I was thinking of making a panel(Slenderman maybe) and I believe I have all the right colors. But the grey beads I have seem to be a little bit bigger than the black and white beads. Since I don't want to ruin my panel, I want to know if I can use the two types of beads without making it look funny. Help plz?

12/13/2013 07:37 pm 3 1723

What are all the types of kandi?

I know there is alot of kandi, with people coming up with there own creations all the time, but I was just curious what are all the types of kandi?

4/19/2014 07:00 pm 1 1641

Can someone make me a pattern of a NFL Team???

I need a pattern of the Tennessee Titans Logo. I been trying to make on but I keep messing up. I will give you credit for helping me. Made out of beads.

7/15/2014 09:52 pm 1 6225

Where to buy a bunch of small toys?

I look everywhere I can think, thrift stores is where I can usually get things to put on kandi but is there somewhere maybe an online store even where you can buy bags of various toys or party favors to put on kandi? Or just a bunch of anything to put on kandi?

8/2/2014 10:33 pm 5 1644

My pile of kandi is getting out of hand what do i do?

okay so I have about 100 (or more) cuffs and a TON of peyotes and singles. What do I do to down size or at least get it contained.

10/19/2014 07:06 pm 5 1474

Tons of Beads

So I have a TON of beads I don't know what to do with them. They're all mixed up (normal beads with mini and etc) And I honestly want to just get rid of them and start over. But should I? Or should I sell them or something?

3/10/2015 09:23 am 9 2714

Who here like League of Legends??

I was thinking of making a free League of Legends cuff for someone, come check out my friends stream and message the word Crumpet and i will select someone!rainbowsmile His next stream will be tomorrow ***ht 6/15/2015 from 7-11pm!

6/14/2015 12:10 am 3 1676

Making copies of Kandi you've received?

My first piece of kandi I ever received has a huge meaning in my life, and I want to use the same words on a different piece of kandi. Would that be frowned upon? Is that disrespectful to the person who made it?

8/18/2015 08:17 am 4 1926

What beads/bead color(s) do you run out of the most?

I'm a little curious to see what colors people run out of the most. I run out or black, white, light blue, and purple the most.

But with letter beads, I seem to run out of E's and S's alot

What about you?

10/25/2015 01:57 pm 23 3932

Bulk of 1 color

Does anyone know of any place where you can get a bulk package of 1 color?!? I'm talking perler beads... Lol

12/30/2015 08:52 pm 2 1580

Out of Perler Bead Ideas

I've run out of yellow and golden yellow beads, and I can't think of anything I could make that fits in with my interests (see my profile) and doesn't use yellow or golden yellow beads.


3/3/2016 06:42 pm 6 2164