Going to start selling kandi need help!

Bubblz 7/1/2015 01:09 am 7684

514c877238924_rainbowsmile.gifHi peeps ^-^! Well yea the title says it all really, I've made kandi for strangers at my school even though they made fun of kandi at the beginning since I'm the only one who really wears it lol. But yea I've made it for free for a while now, but I'm starting to run really low on supplies & don't get an allowance or anything like that, the beads I have right now are from my birthday, & I need your guy's/girl's help on putting a price for everything, I want to make reasonable prices for pieces that will be custom for the buyer so I can save for new supplies! Sorry this is so long but thanks 1.gif

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Jul 1, 2015 1:23 pm

So what's with all this hate for people that sell kandi? isn't the whole point of PLUR love? Just because someone wants to sell kandi means there's no love put into it? Seems to me if you didn't love making it it wouldn't be worth doing. Especially for anything more than a single that takes more time. AND kandi supplies aren't cheap these days. Trying to find enough for one big project at a reasonable price is tough. You have to have money to keep making kandi. And honestly, I can't understand giving away huge projects to people I don't know. Maybe that's just because I get attached to everything. Or just a waste of money. Either way. I thought PLUR was all about accepting people and loving people and respecting them. I mean, it's in the name. How can that be true if there's hate for "fake" kandi kids or anything else you want to call people. You have to start out somewhere. And you have to have funds to keep it up. I see nothing wrong with selling things you've made. It's not like you'll ONLY be selling. Hate me or whatever, but I think it's wrong and really misconstruing to promote the words used to make up "plur" and then not follow them.

Jul 2, 2015 12:09 pm

@xViperx: Unfortunately it's a very controversial topic. The problem is that some people see kandi as "friendship bracelets" which should never be sold. They say it's no longer kandi if you sell it. Some will even say you're not a "real kandi kid" if you sell your kandi. Other people see kandi as just another kind of craft, and it's normal for crafts to be sold so they don't see anything wrong with it. Then of course there are the people who want to buy it! There are some people who don't know how to make their own kandi and don't have the time to learn or don't want to learn, so there is a demand for pre-made kandi.

I think part of the issue is that kandi used to be something that was only made for and traded at raves. That's not true anymore. It has become a type of beaded craft that all kinds of people enjoy creating, trading, and selling - even if they don't attend raves. I think both sides need to accept that kandi has changed and that its meaning depends on the context (rave vs non-rave setting/handmade vs purchased).

My personal beliefs are that if you choose to sell your kandi, you should sell it for fair prices and sell it with the intention of making kandi available to people who wouldn't otherwise be able to own any. You should make sure the kandi you're selling is your own work - not a replica of someone else's design. And if you buy pre-made kandi, you shouldn't trade it to anyone at a rave. Any kandi you trade should be made by yourself, otherwise it has no meaning. The exception is if you were given a special piece that was designed to be passed along, or maybe if you were given a piece which doesn't fit you and you don't want to leave it sitting in a drawer somewhere.

Jul 2, 2015 12:11 pm

To answer the original poster's question, you should try to figure out what you are spending on supplies, what the postage will be (if you are mailing any of it), and then maybe a SMALL labor cost on top of that. I don't know what you personally spend on supplies so it would be hard for me to come up with a pricing guide for you.

Jul 7, 2015 10:07 pm

Most of my friends think it is childish so I don't give or sell it to them so I can make money for supplies. But I would sell it very reasonably


Single with words-1.00$


Anything bigger would be 3.00 or 2.50

If it was a purse I would go four dollars

Dec 29, 2015 7:12 pm

It is bad to ask for money for kandi unless it is to ONLY cover supplies for a large cration for a good friend like a gas mask. You may recieve payment but not ask is a good rule because its controvercial to ask for money but nothing in this world is free.

Dec 31, 2015 4:50 am

When it comes to pricing not gonna lie i normally spitball stuff and give people a quick answer without really thinking but this is how i used to look at it before i just started spitballing people in my mind a fair price because i don't usually do labor costs.

a 500ct package of beads at walmart solid or mixed colors runs $1.97 before tax (i've got an employee discount) so with tax and discount factored in i would ask $2.00 for every 500 beads or $1.00 for every 250, .50 for every 125

and then 'd look at string consumption )been a while since i bought elastic) but it was either $2.97 or 3.97 at walmart add discount and tax (discount is .10 cents on every dollar) so i'd charge either 3 or 4 dollars for an entire thing of string. however if i only used part of the string i'd go i used 1/4 or 1/3 so that means i'd tack on $1

Fishing line is cheep i believe i paid $5-$8 for 150 meters of 50lb test so if i were using that i'd only charge for the beads most likely unless it were a huge project then i'd tack on a dollar or two.

In your case i'd consider the cost of supplies, factor in a labor rate (of a dollar or two a piece or possibly a hourly labor scale for much larger grander pieces) also with custom pieces i'd inform the buyer if you are lacking items "i do not have this material which means it will cost extra. You can either pay for and keep the extra material when i'm done with it (if they wanted a charm or something funky) or you can donate the extra and i will give you a discount on a future piece.