forums are dead: myspace survey to fill out

postalsdude 6/18/2024 10:55 am 281

title. the forums has been the same like 5 posts cycling through lmfao. this took a ridiculous amount of time to edit; couldnt find an original blank copy and had to reformat it

Last beverage: sweet tea
Last phone call: my brother, last night
Last song you listened to: while playing fallout, big iron by marty robbins (?). put on myself, glass houses by skinny puppy
Zodiac sign: pisces
Height: basically 5'3
What are your three favorite colors: red, blue, green
Piercings: 16g septum, 12g labret. used to have spiderbites that didnt heal up. T_T
Tattoos: none
First school: not answering
Believe in luck? not sure
Believe in love at first sight: wouldn't know
Believe in Heaven: no but i know several people that are going to hell LMFAO
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? every day duh
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?movies back to back, yes
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? haven't taken it yet.. got my learners permit though
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? elotes yummy
Last thing you spent money on? shipping for an international package SIGGHHSS
Do you like the snow? texas, we never get snow. yes
Do you like the outside? yes; wish i lived anywhere But the concrete car-central mess i live in.
What makes you happy? vidya games
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yes.. i have opps
Ever been outside your home country? no
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? travel from arizona to texas, painful
Are you afraid of the dark? i be paranoid
Do you believe in true love? ehhhh perchance
Do you wear make-up? rarely; not skilled enough to wear it daily
How many windows are open on your computer? 2 achsully
Who last texted you? my brother
Who did you last text? my mom
What are you craving right now? nothing; just ate
Would you live with someone without marrying them? ermmmm maybe. id have to know them though
What’s irritating you right now? my rats being Bad
Do you want any pets: i have 3; 2 rats and a dog. would like a cat in the future
Do you want to change your name: yes, as a kid i wanted to be a Jennifer lol. sounded less biblical than my birth name.
Lost glasses/contacts: yes T_T
Been arrested: no #angel
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? dont like chocolate that much but milk chocolate
Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twiirlll
Do you type fast? yes.. keyboard warrior
Do you sing in the shower? no
Have you dated someone twice: havent dated anyone hashtag incel
Moved out of town: yes, moved a lot as a kid
Where is your favorite place on earth? my room
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? not to toot my own horn.. my humor
Something you hate to do? washing dishes.. icky
What would be the best gift ever? 100 gabillion dollars
Do you wish on shooting stars? dont think ive ever seen one in person lmfao

blank copy:

Last beverage:
Last phone call:
Last song you listened to:
Zodiac sign:
What are your three favorite colors:
First school:
Believe in luck?
Believe in love at first sight:
Believe in Heaven:
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?
Did you ever fail a driver’s test?
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of?
Last thing you spent money on?
Do you like the snow?
Do you like the outside?
What makes you happy?
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?
Ever been outside your home country?
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours?
Are you afraid of the dark?
Do you believe in true love?
Do you wear make-up?
How many windows are open on your computer?
Who last texted you?
Who did you last text?
What are you craving right now?
Would you live with someone without marrying them?
What’s irritating you right now?
Do you want any pets:
Do you want to change your name:
Lost glasses/contacts:
Been arrested:
Milk chocolate or white chocolate?
Twirl or cut your spaghetti?
Do you type fast?
Do you sing in the shower?
Have you dated someone twice:
Moved out of town:
Where is your favorite place on earth?
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Something you hate to do?
What would be the best gift ever?
Do you wish on shooting stars?

21 Replies

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Jun 18, 2024 4:52 pm

Last beverage: water
Last phone call: june 15
Last song you listened to: kurxxed emeraldz by luci4
Zodiac sign: aries
Height: 5'3
What are your three favorite colors: purple, black, green
Piercings: only my ears
Tattoos: none
First school: not answering
Believe in luck? yes
Believe in love at first sight? yes
Believe in Heaven: i dont think so
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yes (ive done it today)
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? no
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? ive never had one
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? instant ramen
Last thing you spent money on?: cd
Do you like the snow? yes
Do you like the outside? sometimes
What makes you happy? friends
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yes
Ever been outside your home country? no
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? no
Are you afraid of the dark? kinda
Do you believe in true love? yes
Do you wear make-up? on special occasions
How many windows are open on your computer? 2
Who last texted you? my best friend
Who did you last text? my best friend
What are you craving right now? soda
Would you live with someone without marrying them? yes
What’s irritating you right now? nothing
Do you want any pets: yes
Do you want to change your name: no
Lost glasses/contacts: no
Been arrested: no
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? none i dont like chocolate
Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl (PEOPLE CUT IT??)
Do you type fast? yes i think
Do you sing in the shower? no
Have you dated someone twice: no
Moved out of town: no
Where is your favorite place on earth? my friends house
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? idk
Something you hate to do? swimming
What would be the best gift ever? money
Do you wish on shooting stars? no

Jun 18, 2024 4:23 pm

Last beverage: bottle water !!
Last phone call: uhhh , a friend that im no longer friends with ,,, i think
Last song you listened to: it gets worse - msi
Zodiac sign: taurus
Height: NOT SHARING !!!!!!
What are your three favorite colors: blue , pink , green
Piercings: none !! my ears need re-pierced , i was very close to getting my belly button pierced but then decided to wait bc i cant take care of it
Tattoos: none
First school: .. preschool ? but i dropped after like 3 days
Believe in luck?: yes & no
Believe in love at first sight: yes but i believe people use the term wrong / have changed its meaning
Believe in Heaven: depends on the day jwmwjrek
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: yes
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?: yes
Did you ever fail a driver’s test?: no , im not allowed to drive
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of?: pb + graham crackers in coffee
Last thing you spent money on?: carebears
Do you like the snow?: YES
Do you like the outside?: depends
What makes you happy?: love (platonic or romantic) , my special interests , talking to people , js FEELING good as a default instead of bad as a default
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?: duhhh
Ever been outside your home country?: no
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours?: no? maybe when i was really little
Are you afraid of the dark?: kinda
Do you believe in true love?: obvi
Do you wear make-up?: no , i cant
How many windows are open on your computer?: if you mean tabs then 25 if you mean windows (like , applicatiosn or whatev) then 3
Who last texted you?: MY FRIEND KITTY ^____^
Who did you last text?: MY FRIEND KITTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What are you craving right now?: pb + graham crackers in coffee
Would you live with someone without marrying them?: yes but prefer not to
What’s irritating you right now?: school
Do you want any pets: yes , i would love a snake but i cant take care of one Do you want to change your name: yes , i want to change my last name to the like,,, familys name instead of my dads
Lost glasses/contacts: yes
Been arrested: no
Milk chocolate or white chocolate?: dark or milk
Twirl or cut your spaghetti?: i dont like spaghetti
Do you type fast?: i can
Do you sing in the shower?: henerally no ,
Have you dated someone twice: FUCK no , thats one of my only "im never doing that id rather die" thingys
Moved out of town: no
Where is your favorite place on earth?: no where , but i think id like the zoo
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?: im a good baker
Something you hate to do?: literally everything ,,,, but rn school
What would be the best gift ever?: CAREBEARS OR GIFTCARDS TO THINGS I LIKE !!!! anything revolving around my interests , i almost cried when my nana got me smth i had mentioned wanting before but didnt put on like ,,, my bday wishlist . it was a cupcake hello kitty plush :3
Do you wish on shooting stars?: i dont see them ,,, but if i did then i think i might

Jun 18, 2024 2:08 pm

Last beverage:Sweet tea
Last phone call:My grandmother wanted to talk with my sisters and I
Last song you listened to: Wake Up Hate by KoRn
Zodiac sign:I dont feel like looking it up RN
Height:5'3 ish
What are your three favorite colors: Pink, Black, and White
Piercings:none yet
Tattoos:none, but im thinking about getting a puzzle piece tattoo when im older (definitely not a saw reference)
First school:uhhhhh
Believe in luck? Not really
Believe in love at first sight:fuck no
Believe in Heaven:no
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight?yeah, most of the things I do are on the computer *stares and clip studio art*
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?no I dont like watchin TV
Did you ever fail a driver’s test?bruh I dont even have a learner's permit
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? the ghostpepper ranch chicken sandwich from the Wendy's
Last thing you spent money on? an RPD badge
Do you like the snow? yeeeee <3
Do you like the outside? despite popular belife, I love being outside so much
What makes you happy? Horror movies, art, daydreaming about a non-existant boyfriend, and my plushies
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? my father
Ever been outside your home country?no not yet, but I wanna visit Japan and Russia one day
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours?I think? I traveled from Missouri to Florida to visit my grandparents when I was 5 or somthin
Are you afraid of the dark?I depends, somedays I can lurk in the dark like the true monster I am...and other times I turn on every light in the house
Do you believe in true love? maybe...
Do you wear make-up? one in a blue moon
How many windows are open on your computer?Like 4, Flie Explorer, Discord, Clip, and Google
Who last texted you?my ma
Who did you last text?ma...
What are you craving right now?nothin, I feel like im gonna be sick
Would you live with someone without marrying them? yeah sure, why not
What’s irritating you right now? my father.... I hope his dick gets caught in his zipper
Do you want any pets: not right now, im content with my four cats
Do you want to change your name:it would be cool af if I could change my name to Inkclaw
Lost glasses/contacts:dont wear glassescool
Been arrested:no, but if I stay in this house any longer I will be /hj
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? White chocolate is superior in every way
Twirl or cut your spaghetti?twirl
Do you type fast? not really, I wish I could
Do you sing in the shower? nah, I cant really sing
Have you dated someone twice:bruh, I haven't even dated ONE person
Moved out of town:due to my dad being military, we moved alot
Where is your favorite place on earth? uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh---
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? My ability to look at a normal ass human character and immediately decide what animal they would be
Something you hate to do?
What would be the best gift ever? A giant My Melody plushie or a Billy replica...thats like 200 dollars...
Do you wish on shooting stars?No, I havent seen any

Jun 18, 2024 2:03 pm

Last beverage: iced coffee
Last phone call:my friend :3
Last song you listened to:scapeg8at (ghost)
Zodiac sign:gemini
What are your three favorite colors: primary
Piercings:none sad
First school: elementry, never been to daycare/preshool
Believe in luck? ehhhh i say i do but not rlly
Believe in love at first sight: yeah, but its more so a crush/unless you already knew them
Believe in Heaven: wanna say yes but prob no
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? more.
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? probally when i binge gravity falls, yea
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? never took one
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? spagettii, iced coffee,
Last thing you spent money on? plushies (palm pal robot/ white kitty)
Do you like the snow? yea
Do you like the outside?eh depends on the day
What makes you happy? my likes/ friends/ sleep
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yea
Ever been outside your home country? no
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? i think?
Are you afraid of the dark? a bit
Do you believe in true love? eh no
Do you wear make-up? no
How many windows are open on your computer? sobs, 11 rn
Who last texted you? my other friend
Who did you last text?my other other friend
What are you craving right now? idk not hungry
Would you live with someone without marrying them? yes absolutely
What’s irritating you right now? hurt (advil no work sad )
Do you want any pets: YES
Do you want to change your name: yes :3
Lost glasses/contacts: my eyes be good, no
Been arrested:no
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? ..dark
Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl im not a monster
Do you type fast? depends
Do you sing in the shower? depends
Have you dated someone twice: ive never dated
Moved out of town: yea
Where is your favorite place on earth? my room
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? hair idk
Something you hate to do? clean
What would be the best gift ever? lemme get the list-
Do you wish on shooting stars? in acnh

Jun 18, 2024 1:40 pm

Hehe might as well do this, it'll be fun reading everybody's responses :]

Last beverage: hot chocolate

Last phone call: was harassing a spam caller >:]

Last song you listened to: cascade by tensei music

Zodiac sign: aries

Height: i don't remember, I'm kinda on the small side

What are your three favorite colors: blue!!! Then olive, and uuh um uh rainbow

Piercings: yes, just a typical lobe piercing

Tattoos: none yet.

First school: rather not share

Believe in luck? no.

Believe in love at first sight: not saying it doesn't happen but it would be pretty rare

Believe in Heaven: yes

Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? hhhhaha guess what. I don't sleep

Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? I don't like tv

Did you ever fail a driver’s test? Haven't taken it yet, terrified of driving, did fail the permit test once though

What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? Hmmmmm. Water idk

Last thing you spent money on? Charmander enamel pin, bought last month during a school field trip

Do you like the snow? Yuck. Cold and wet

Do you like the outside? Yeah, as long as it's not cold or chilly, 65° F or higher preferably

What makes you happy? Dogs dog and music

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? My ex friend. Used to be really close and was in fact the only friend id had in a long time. My sister told her i was a furry and immediately began avoiding me like i had the black plague or something

Ever been outside your home country? Nope, not yet. Wish i could, though. America sucks ngl, there's nothing cool here

Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? Unfortunately, yes.

Are you afraid of the dark? Used to be, not really anymore.

Do you believe in true love? Yeah.

Do you wear make-up? [spoiler] concealer to hide a compulsive skin picking problem [/spoiler]

How many windows are open on your computer? Usually a ton. I'm on my phone though. Just one at the moment

Who last texted you? Don't remember

Who did you last text? isn't this the same question?

What are you craving right now? Peace and quiet.

Would you live with someone without marrying them? maybe.

What’s irritating you right now? family screaming their heads off at each other

Do you want any pets: i have three already, and they're all i want. my babies!! 2 dogs and a frog

Do you want to change your name: yeah. Don't like my name, it's corny. It means princess in Hebrew and it makes me cringe having to hear it

Lost glasses/contacts: no, broke my glasses once though.

Been arrested: nope!

Milk chocolate or white chocolate? Dark hhhfghj, white chocolate is gross

Twirl or cut your spaghetti? twirl

Do you type fast? On my phone is super slow, but pretty fast on a computer, had to take keyboard classes in kindergarten so ig i can type pretty fast

Do you sing in the shower? Nah. I'd get screamed at to shut up

Have you dated someone twice: haven't dated anyone yet! people scare me and also i don't really understand romance v well. maybe i'm stupid. or aromantic. or both. who knows

Moved out of town: nope.

Where is your favorite place on earth? My bedroom, where i can hide

What’s your favorite thing about yourself? uuuh i kinda suck ngl

Something you hate to do? Exist

What would be the best gift ever? Unlimited access to whatever crafting supplies i could ever want!!!!!!

Do you wish on shooting stars? Haven't ever seen one yet. Light pollution from this stupid giant outdoor lamp near my house

Jun 18, 2024 1:37 pm

Apologies if I went overboard

Last beverage: WATER
Last phone call: UR MOM
Last song you listened to: BULLET W BUTTERFLY WINGS
Zodiac sign: NUNYA
Height: NUNYA
What are your three favorite colors: ROY, GEE, AND BIV
Piercings: NUNYA
Tattoos: NUNYA
First school: SCHOOL OF ROCK
Believe in luck? DESTROYA
Believe in love at first sight: I BELIEVE IN HEARTBREAK AT FIRST SIGHT
Believe in Heaven: YEAH
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? YEAH
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? YEAH
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? OUCH THAT ONE HURTS
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? BREAD
Last thing you spent money on? PIE
Do you like the snow? NO
Do you like the outside? NO
What makes you happy? NO
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? ALL THE TIME
Ever been outside your home country? NUNYA
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? YEAH
Are you afraid of the dark? YEAH
Do you wear make-up? NUNYA
How many windows are open on your computer? OKAY WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE THE WINDOW POLICE
Who last texted you? UR MOM
Who did you last text? MY MOM
What are you craving right now? PEACE
Would you live with someone without marrying them? NO
What’s irritating you right now? LOL
Do you want any pets: NO
Do you want to change your name: YEAH
Lost glasses/contacts: NO
Been arrested: NOT YET
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? WHITE
Twirl or cut your spaghetti? SLURP
Do you type fast? YWAH VUT JTS HARD TP READ
Do you sing in the shower? YEAH
Have you dated someone twice: NO
Moved out of town: NUNYA
Where is your favorite place on earth? COUCH
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? MY JOKEZ
Something you hate to do? GET OFF THE COUCH
What would be the best gift ever? MCR DANGER DAYS HIP DOT MAKEUP PALETTE
Do you wish on shooting stars? I SHOOT ON WISHING STARS ACTUALLY

Jun 18, 2024 1:35 pm

Last beverage: Orange Juice happy
Last phone call: My sister
Last song you listened to: Some Other Guy - Tom Jones
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 5'2
What are your three favorite colors: Purple, Blue, Hot pink
Piercings: Just ears
Tattoos: None (wanna get a possum tattoo in 2 years)
Believe in luck? Yeah
Believe in love at first sight:Yeah <3
Believe in Heaven: Kinda
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes sad
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? Yessad
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? Haven't taken one

What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? Bell Peppers

Last thing you spent money on? Ultra Sunrise Monster
Do you like the snow? Sometimes
Do you like the outside? yeah [catch me frolicking in fields]
What makes you happy? My friends messaging me and tf2
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? Yes
Ever been outside your home country? No
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? Yeah, to my aunts house
Are you afraid of the dark? Yes 0-0
Do you believe in true love? Yeah
Do you wear make-up? A little eyeliner, eyeshadow, and mascara
How many windows are open on your computer? 3
Who last texted you? My friend Jacob happy
Who did you last text? Also Jacob
What are you craving right now? Skittles
Would you live with someone without marrying them? Depends on who it is
What’s irritating you right now? The heat -___-
Do you want any pets: a possum
Do you want to change your name: Yes, to Jack
Lost glasses/contacts: So many times sad
Been arrested: Nope happy
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? Milk chocolate
Twirl or cut your spaghetti? Twirl (?^o^)?
Do you type fast? Kinda
Do you sing in the shower? Absolutely
Have you dated someone twice: Yeah
Moved out of town: Yeah
Where is your favorite place on earth? My bed -__- zzz
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
Something you hate to do? Dishes and homework
What would be the best gift ever? Anythign tf2
Do you wish on shooting stars? Yeah (o???)o? saw one 2 years ago

Jun 18, 2024 12:31 pm

Last beverage: faygo cotton candy flavor
Last phone call: my bank :6
Last song you listened to: andy in step's cover of strike 3 by ferry
Zodiac sign: gemini
Height: 5'7
What are your three favorite colors: purple, phthalo green, yello
Piercings: i have none sad
Tattoos: i have none sad
Believe in luck?: meehh, not really
Believe in love at first sight: probably
Believe in Heaven: god i hope not
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? every single day kao tongue i love my puter it contains my files
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? probably...? not recently
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? havent taken it yet. i am a pussy and scared of driving LOL
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? hrm. lemon bread
Last thing you spent money on? super lesbian animal rpg on steam
Do you like the snow? ye
Do you like the outside? complicated. i love the sun/grass/fresh air/etcera, i do not like the giant fucking road in the middle of it
What makes you happy? drum and bass 4eva
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? all da time.... sorry lol
Ever been outside your home country? no
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? yes! it was soul-breaking
Are you afraid of the dark? not really. the dark is like a big blanket when you think about it. i dont like being outside in the dark though
Do you believe in true love? shure why not
Do you wear make-up? no
How many windows are open on your computer? 1 window, 5 tabs
Who last texted you? my dad
Who did you last text? also my dad
What are you craving right now? the honey mustard chicken wraps from hardees...
Would you live with someone without marrying them? the possibility of living alone without roommates, in this economy?
What’s irritating you right now? my feet hurt (i just got off work)
Do you want any pets: i have three
Do you want to change your name: yea sure
Lost glasses/contacts: oh all the time. i can never find the damned things and have to search for em like 15 minutes after i wake up bc i need them to see
Been arrested: no but i have been detained
Milk chocolate or white chocolate?: why not both?
Twirl or cut your spaghetti?: who fucking cuts their spaghetti
Do you type fast? yea id say so, i usually average about 60-80 wpm with decent accuracy. my phone typing is abysmal though
Do you sing in the shower? no
Have you dated someone twice: that one celibacy gif with the boy band
Moved out of town: nop
Where is your favorite place on earth? my room probably
What’s your favorite thing about yourself? uhh my ability to do repetitive and monotonous tasks for long stretches of time
Something you hate to do? cross the road... it jsut sucks ok?
What would be the best gift ever? grillbed cheese and 7 dollars
Do you wish on shooting stars? i havent even seen one...

Jun 18, 2024 11:43 am

Last beverage: pepsi wild cherry
Last phone call: to my mother
Last song you listened to: don't lose your head
Zodiac sign: libra
Height: like 5,0 or smth
What are your three favorite colors: pink purple and blue
Piercings: dont have any :p
Tattoos: dont have any :p
First school: homeschooled
Believe in luck?: yes.
Believe in love at first sight: ehh not really
Believe in Heaven: no, i believe in reincarnation
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: probably
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight?: possibly
Did you ever fail a driver’s test?: no
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of?: pizza
Last thing you spent money on?: yuri nendoroid
Do you like the snow?: yes, but its always icey T_T
Do you like the outside?: YES!!!
What makes you happy?: my family :3
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them?: yes...
Ever been outside your home country?: nope, but im going to hawaii in november!
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours?: no, i get carsick
Are you afraid of the dark?: yes.
Do you believe in true love?: yes, my parents show it :3
Do you wear make-up?: nope, not yet
How many windows are open on your computer?: 8
Who last texted you?: my mom
Who did you last text?: my mom
What are you craving right now?: pepsi
Would you live with someone without marrying them?: yeah
What’s irritating you right now?: work T_T
Do you want any pets: YES. i want EVERY PET
Do you want to change your name: nah i like my name
Lost glasses/contacts: dont have any :p
Been arrested: not yet
Milk chocolate or white chocolate?: white chocolate on TOP!!
Twirl or cut your spaghetti?: twirl
Do you type fast?: yes
Do you sing in the shower?: sometimes
Have you dated someone twice: nope
Moved out of town: nope
Where is your favorite place on earth?: parks with swingsets
What’s your favorite thing about yourself?: uhh my super cool awesomeness
Something you hate to do?: work
What would be the best gift ever?: every figure ive ever wanted
Do you wish on shooting stars?: i never see any so no i guess

Jun 18, 2024 11:07 am

Last beverage: hot tea
Last phone call: my mom
Last song you listened to: Lucretia My Reflection
Zodiac sign: gemini
Height: idk probably around 5ft 4
What are your three favorite colors: pink black and blood red
Piercings: Eyebrow and ears
Tattoos: I've got a little beetle tattoo on my collarbone
Believe in luck? yep
Believe in love at first sight: eh not really.
Believe in Heaven: not particularly. i'm agnostic so idk
Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? yes.
Did you ever watch TV for 5 hours straight? yes.
Did you ever fail a driver’s test? haven't taken it
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of? buttered pasta
Last thing you spent money on? dog food
Do you like the snow? yes
Do you like the outside? sometimes
Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided them? yes
Ever been outside your home country? nope
Ever been on a road trip longer than 5 hours? yes
Are you afraid of the dark? yes
Do you wear make-up? not often. sometimes but I don't really like the way it feels on my face.
How many windows are open on your computer? 5
Who last texted you? my boyfriend
Who did you last text? my boyfriend
What are you craving right now? sleep
Would you live with someone without marrying them? yes
What’s irritating you right now? mosquitoes
Do you want any pets: yes I want pet spiders but my boyfriend says he won't come over anymore if I get any :{
Do you want to change your name: yes
Lost glasses/contacts: nah
Been arrested: nope
Milk chocolate or white chocolate? dark chocolate but if I have to pick between milk and white i'd pick milk. I hate white chocolate.
Twirl or cut your spaghetti? I don't really eat spaghetti
Do you type fast? Decently fast. When i'm just typing casually I normally just go around 60wpm but I can type fairly accurately up to around 110wpm
Do you sing in the shower? not really. I hum sometimes.
Have you dated someone twice: Not the same person twice.
Moved out of town: Sort of. I only live like 20 minutes away.
What would be the best gift ever? Monster High dolls.
Do you wish on shooting stars? No but I get excited to see them