stims// rate ur stims i suppose :>

SleepinqZzz 5/9/2022 11:25 am 937

here's mine

hand flappy - 5/10 (not too bad, annoying sometimes)

punching my lap/tables rrly hard over and over - 1/10 (it hurts sm sobs)

feet stompy-stomp - 6/10 (v fun!!!)

tensing up my face rrly hard for a second - 5/10 (can be distracting sometimes but it's v relieving to do)

popcat noises - 5/10 (v nice except they always happen at the worst times)

random scatting??? - 3/10 (i have fun w it but it gets me bullied cries)

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May 10, 2022 6:39 am

@FrogZippie: im very curious on what a figure 8 with your hair would look like confused/gen

May 10, 2022 6:51 am

flappy hands 1/10 bad but it is good for me as bad circulation (raynauds syndrome go brrr)

"Wawawawa" 4/10 fun but makes me people make fun of me

Charlie but in a baby voice 5/10 very fun but also kind of strange cause it's my name and??

"CATBOY" 7/10 great + I have disguised it as making fun of my friend

"Fainty dainty" 10/10 catboy friend made this to annoy our Faint alter and it's funny + I get to make fun of Faint

"Security alert! Security alert! Woo woo woo woo!" 5/10 very fun but also kick fronts our Sunny alter in and that kinda sucks as it gives us a headache

*like this growl noise* 4/10 was very fun and nice until my classmate kept making fun of me sad

"Jag älskar chipstuttar!" 11/10 fun to sayand also means "I love man boobs!" In swedish, sucks I cant say it much cause I LIVE in Sweden but shhhhhhhh

I'll prob remember more later

EDIT: oh also these feet flaps, where if I'm laying on my side, I'll start flapping my foot up and down quickly 1111111/10 I love it plus it's a funny origin, when I was younger (and I still kinda do this) I couldn't get to sleep very well so I role played with myself, and cause a lot of my characters back then had tails I'd use my foot as a way, then it just became a stim laughing)))

May 10, 2022 6:59 am

hand flap: 6/10 kidna fun but i get judged

little hops: 7/10 its fun

nose scrunch (when ppl boop me): 2/10 kinda annoying

"bread"/"i love bread": 5/10 kinda funny but its old

m0@n: 2/10 scares ppl and its dum


May 10, 2022 7:42 am

hand flapz: 5/10 i usually end up slapping my friendz on accident cuz my hand flapz are very aggressive & never helpz that much crying

little jumpz/hopz: 6/10 fun but sometimez my friendz make fun of me ToT

swaying back & forth: 10/10 very fun & one of my friendz likez it because he thinkz itz cute & that makez me happy lolz

shuffling: 10/10 so fun & most of my friendz start shuffling with me XD

pop noizez: 7/10 annoyz my friendz lolz

stomping my feet: 4/10 pplz stare at me & it doeznt rlly help

leg bounce: 10/10 quiet & keepz me calm

cracking my jointz: 8/10 i love the noize but nobody elze doez lolz

picking at my fingerz & cuticlez: 5/10 sometimez it hurtz & makez me bleed & my friendz get mad at me for it but it makez me feel better lolz

wiggling my toez: 10/10 silent & nobody can see it lolz

fluffing my hair up/playing with my hair: 10/10 doeznt even read az a stim so i dont get starez

May 10, 2022 7:56 am

some of mine
whistling- 5/10 it makes me happy but my sister bullies me for it
whistling + "pretty bird" - -345/10 my sister bullies me even worse for this
hand flap- 120/10 this best
headshake thing - 7/10 idk it is a thing
barking - -2/10 this one is loud and i dont like it that much
meowing - 1300/10 best kao yes