what could you talk abt 4 hours?

theamazingkarnak 5/31/2022 03:14 pm 4169

For me it's cookie run: ovenbreak characters (mainly timekeeper cookie, roguefort cookie, and lotus dragon cookie <3), mangle from fnaf, goosebumps, the fnaf lore, coryxkenshin, and little nightmares (specifically abt my fav characters and why Six is the way she is) 62641f17c6ddc_awesometiny1.gif

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May 31, 2022 3:16 pm

OK KO but specifically how underrated Dendy is

May 31, 2022 3:29 pm

Cartoons, musicals, and video game speedruns!! Those are some of my big big interests and I could literally talk abt them for concerningly long amounts of time. HOWEVER I could also talk about Cars (like the films) for even more concerningly long amounts of time because I look way too deeply into children's media and analyze every single aspect 110% more than it should be..

May 31, 2022 3:46 pm

WARNING: VERY LONG POST AND SPOILERS [for scratch saga and slatch saga] INCOMING! also mention of (fictional) death of an (anthropomorphic, fully sapient) animal character and a character who is implied (keyword: implied) to be a child. also this might get confusing so uh. i apologize-

very very obscure and maybe not "for hours" because the series is approx only a little over 2 hours in length combined, but the slatch and scratch sagas... go watch it on youtube or the scratch website! (be aware the latter's load time might be slow. like REAAAALLY slow.)

so for a bit of background/context (because tbh it doesn't make that much sense without it) there's this website called scratch (which btw yes, is a real thing, it's been around since 2007-ish), and it's a site that a lot of schools and whatnot use to teach kids to code. basically you snap these blocks together, and you can use it to make a code that you can make games with and stuff. some people use it for animations, and that's basically what's going on here. anyways, in this series, scratch as a website is sort of treated as an actual place (scratch hq). also, there are 3 main versions of scratch: 1.x (usually reffered to as 1.4 itsc (in the scratch community, like irl), but 1.4 is just one of the "1.x" versions, but in S(cratch)S it's just "1.0"). slatch saga starts off at the 2.0 hq, and so does scratch saga but 3.0 and 1.x are also involved. also, being a website primarily targeted at children, the website is well... full of kids. very immature ones. which, understandable. and these kids are dead set on being popular. so there's this thing called "f4f" or "follow for follow", which is basically you follow them, they follow you back. and a LOT of popular creators get spammed with it, and that's how the slatch saga starts...

so. the guy who started this whole thing is wazzotv (referred to as just "wazzo" in the series), and he's a fairly well-known animator on the website. being one of the "omg cool popular people!" he gets spammed with "f4f!!!!" a lot, right? that's what leads to "IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT?" which is basically a rant about the spam and kind of scratch as a whole. in the end, he declares he's going to make his own website called slatch (hence the name "slatch saga") and the mascot is a blue dog named qbert (scratch's mascot is an orange cat usually just called "scratch cat", really no "official" name). AND THAT KIDS, IS HOW SLATCH CAME TO BE. ALSO QBERT IS HIS BEST FRIEND. (qbert is also the character in my pfp at the moment.)

also slatch is basically a whole rebellion thing and there's basically an all out slatch vs scratch war. then in "YOU JUST GOT CHEX MIXED" this JERK named SAM from the sprite library that wazzo made fun of in "THE UPRISING OF SLATCH" holds wazzo and qbert hostage at slatch hq after wazzo breaks into the archives at scratch hq to try and find scratch's weakness. then the scratch army blows up slatch hq, wazzo makes it but qbert sadly does not. he dies.

[WIP IM GONNA WRITE SOME MORE LATER. THIS ISNT ALL. to be honest you should just go watch it, i can only explain so much before i start messing up stuff/missing details]

May 31, 2022 3:53 pm

@junatehrobot: caps//

THERE'S A SCRATCH SAGA??? I've only been on the website a few times during my undertale phase but I didn't know ppl were so into it they made a story based off of it (is that what it is? correct me if im wrong pls)

May 31, 2022 4:05 pm

Pokemon! It's my special interest + i know a LOT about it, so i could talk abt it for HOURS. also i have OCs in the pokemon universe that i could talk abt for even longer than the general topic of pokemon!

May 31, 2022 4:36 pm

@koalabear123: yep! scratch saga (and slatch saga) is basically just that, a story about scratch.

May 31, 2022 4:37 pm

Animal Crossing and The Gorillaz lore cool

May 31, 2022 5:16 pm

HFHBHH my little pony for sure!! ive been hyperfixating on it since i was like 6 years old bluey2

May 31, 2022 5:28 pm

@C4NDYB0N3Z: my little pony is so cool! I watch it a lot and my aunt used to watch it w us (her and our uncle r very big mlp fans) I also love the movies (specifically rainbow rocks, sonata dusk supremacy <3)

it sucks that the fanbase got taken over by neckbeards tho sad

May 31, 2022 5:36 pm

fnaf lore n explaining the political compass


im not as big into fnaf as i used to be but i think i'll always keep up to date with the lore