"satire" accounts (rant)

utaautane 3/16/2022 07:59 am 311

ive been seeing a lot of "satire" accounts on things like tiktok and theyre really just straight up offensive. theyll say things/say slurs they can't say, and people excuse it because "oH iTs sAtIre ItS sUpPoSeD tO bE oFfEnSiVe" just because something is satire doesn't mean that it can't be offensive and not okay.

for example: that meowbah account on tiktok is obviously satire, but she said the r word in one of her videos. just because it is satire and the "character" she is playing is dumb, doesnt mean she is and i know for a fact she knew what that word was and how it was offensive.

another example is people using a bunch of neo pronouns that are OBVIOUSLY fake and claiming they are "dnfgender" or "acabgender" is just offensive to the trans community and makes actual neopronouns/xenogender people look like fools when really theyre just normal people.

call me chronically online and that im "not getting the joke" but this stuff is just straight up offensive

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Mar 16, 2022 10:03 am

ur online too much homie

Mar 16, 2022 9:53 am

i agree, its mega unfunny when these stupid accounts use slurs and whatnot. i also really agree with what you stated about "dnfgender" or "acabgender", alot of the times that people do that it truly is offensive to the trans community. also creating fake sexualities too, such as "dreamsexual", "animesexual", etc it just seems like a mockery of the lgbtq+ community.

Mar 16, 2022 9:09 am

I swear I feel like at this point they are using the whole ¨Its just a joke¨ excuse to get away with being an offensive piece of shit ¨Like let me say a slur and when people call me out I will play it off as a joke so I dont get canceled¨ smh (even if they are just ¨jokes¨ they arent even funny :/ tbh-)

  • CoNN13Killz
Mar 16, 2022 8:02 am

those people just think that being annoyings funny and are super immature

Mar 16, 2022 8:01 am

This is great. I have seen so many accounts that are satire. I hate people who make being offensive being thier entire personality trait.