Marie1952's Profile





Last online: 9-01-2022 4:00pm
  • Gender: female
  • Panama City Beach, FL, United States
  • Profile Views: 493

Marie1952's Friends

I am old LOL ran a wholesale/retail finished ceramic business for 35 years. Found my way to needlepoint and finally learned how to cross stitch. Finally found Rainbow Loom and gave to my grandchildren for Christmas 2 years ago. So wanted to know all the hype about it. Got myself a monster tail and have been rainbow looming ever since. Love all the textures of these little rubber bands. The majority of my making is given away. When I am in a store I keep bracelets in the rainbow loom bags and give to parents for their children shopping with them. Now comes the perler beads. it rounds out my joy of making patterns and I make them on both regular perler and mini. I am fast coming to realize I love doing the mini beads the best. I do sell a few but just enjoy giving. Other than children I meet I give to our local senior centers, and our local Animal shelter has a shop. It keeps me off the streets and doing the one thing God has taught me to do which is craft and make someone somewhere smile!


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