Addison_galaxy_fox's Profile

Hi I'm Addison and I love dogs and cat's #weird or cute when friend requesting me -but I love both dogs and cats! - also my grandma has 2 dogs and their both girls one is honey; the golden retriever & bear bear the black dog and their always protective of me and my family and when i say protective i mean really really protective btw my grandma showed me a picture when i was a baby and honey was carrying me from my baby shirt and i was deep sleeping at the time and grandma was awake taking pictures of it :3 and she showed me a video when honey dropped me on her stuffed with cotton dog bed and then she showed me honey snuggling with me on the big fluffy dog bed it was so cute uwu :3 so it was a cute and funny thing which my grandma told me and i laughed ;3

Friday Apr 16, 2021, 8:51 AM




Last online: 4-19-2021 9:54am
  • Profile Views: 369

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