Sharkpoolz's Profile

uhh hi i am New

Thursday Mar 11, 2021, 1:49 PM




Last online: 7-05-2021 9:50pm
  • Gender: nonbinary (he/they/fai/gear)
  • Mariana Trench, Pacific Ocean, Underwater
  • Profile Views: 405

Sharkpoolz's Friends

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hii!! im shark but you can also call me koi or kaz !!

i think i zhould preface thiz by zaying i do have a typing quirk, where z replacez s!! (unlezz the word iz a name)

if u wanna know more abt me u can check out my carrd :o !!! (therez also my pronouny on there linked in the about me zection)

i'd love to talk if you're down to !! :>

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