Crumpet's Profile

Temporarily not coding, not even for my actual day job, due to a personal situation

Saturday Jun 1, 2024, 3:07 PM


Site Owner


Last online: 6-07-2024 4:51am

Crumpet's Friends

Hi everyone, I'm Crumpet and I created this website in 2009 (when I was 22) as a place for me to post kandi patterns I made. It has since grown into an interactive website where kandi makers around the world share patterns and photos of their creations. I had to stop making kandi in 2012 because I got chronic tendonitis from it, but I still try to keep the site alive.

I’m a dual British/American citizen who was born in England but lived in California from age 9-24, then moved back to England (didn’t lose my English accent somehow). I work as a frontend/backend developer for a pet supplies company. I have a shih tzu called Cooper and two English budgies (Dash and Sassy). Like many of you on here, I’m autistic (my diagnosis says ASD/Asperger’s), but as I’ve grown older I’ve found ways to make my life work for me.

My main hobby is fitness/strength training. I love lifting weights and getting stronger and gaining muscle :D

**Please keep in mind that I’m on London time and I work full time during the week, so if you message me, you may not get a reply until the weekend depending on the nature and urgency of your query. I cannot work on the site during the week due to my work obligations.*

Crumpet's Photos

Displaying 21-25 of 25 photos


Awesome Face
  • 6960
  • 16


  • 6122
  • 8


  • 3829
  • 5


Hello Kitty Tall
  • 7874
  • 13


  • 4139
  • 2

Crumpet's Published Patterns

Displaying 121-140 of 856 patterns

Crumpet's Other Patterns

The user chose to share these patterns but they have not been approved onto the site. Unless they are approved they will not show in search or categories, but are viewable from here.

Displaying 1-6 of 6 results.
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Crumpet's Videos


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