Crazychick509's Profile

i take pattern reqests just message me

Saturday Jul 13, 2013, 12:36 AM





Last online: 3-16-2018 10:33am
  • Gender: female
  • Washington, Usa
  • Profile Views: 462,040

Crazychick509's Friends

alright so my names cmone.i go by freakshow,clover,dr giggles,moo,shorti,mona.i am extremely odd.once i start talking theres almost nothing u can do to shut me up amazingly random.someppl think i have terets.once u get to know me its kinda hard to explain how i am.nd once ur my freind u cant get rid of me hahaha.ill make a joke out of almost anything nd i cnt really be seriusoe.i love acting childish cuz well hey its fun.

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