Kadensworld96's Profile

I feel like 80s arcade carpet

Monday Feb 19, 2024, 10:21 PM




Last online: 3-17-2024 11:37pm
  • Gender: Yes? (I'm something, not sure what) (It/it's (he/they is okay))
  • Profile Views: 122

Kadensworld96's Friends

Nobody has added me as a friend yet :(

Hi I'm Kaden!

I'm 13-14

I'm a furry /⁠ᐠ⁠。⁠ꞈ⁠。⁠ᐟ⁠\

I'd prefer if you didn't interact if your 18 or older

I like sanders sides, sam and colby, Jake Webber, Johnnie Gilbert, dsaf, dialtown, deltarune, undertale, will wood, lemon demon, flamingo, FNAF, heathers, legally blonde the musical, be more chill, heartstopper, scream, spree, stranger things and plushies, (theres more but thats all I could think of)

This is a new account, I have another account on here I don't use it but the name is Michael______


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