Sabemm37's Profile




Last online: 12-30-2022 10:07pm
  • Gender: Female
  • Some Where You Would Like To Know, CA, United States
  • Profile Views: 185

Sabemm37's Friends


I am a mother of two rambunctious teen boys. I have very little time on my hands, (but when I have some me time) I love doing my hobbies. I Am what I call an" Every Way Artist". I have been crocheting for 10 years, I sew, Cross stitch.... practically every craft you can think of lol. I have been singing ever since I was a little girl ( Self tough from Disney Movies lol) I play many musical instruments and have written a couple of songs. I am also a author. I have drawn and written a lot of my own crochet patterns with a few suspense books on the side ( I just can't afford to publish them lol) I love this Site and glad to be part of it.


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