Ice King And Gunter Kandi Pattern

Ice King And Gunter Kandi Pattern
Made by rburnham1224
Date 2013-04-07 13:04:32
Hits 3441
Bead Counts
Size 32 columns wide x 10 rows tall
Ice King
Ice King and Gunter
Adventure Time

Kandi Pattern Comments

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Jul 9, 2013 10:00 am
I tried to fix the bead count on this when I approved it, but I couldn't because a lot of the "white" beads turned transparent. If they were all colored in, I could have corrected it with my script. I can normally color them in myself but I didn't have time on that particular day. Btw, the bead count issue isn't my fault because I'm not the one that coded that. I don't have a way of fixing it either. All I can do (until I make my own pattern maker) is correct it as I approve. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't leave snarky faces as comments. Thanks.