What are lists?
Lists are a way to organize photos, patterns, and videos into groups. For example, you could create a list for a specific theme or type of pattern, like "Pokemon" or "bikini patterns." 

How do I add things to a list?
There are two ways to add things to a list:

  1. Above every pattern, photo, and video you will see several turquoise buttons. One of those will say "Add to List." When you click it, you'll be able to choose whether you want to add the item to an existing or new list.
  2. You can also also add patterns, photos, and videos to your lists from search results pages. Check the checkboxes below the items you want to add, then click the "Add to List" button on the top right of the page.
How can I move an item to a different list?
When you are viewing your list, you should see two buttons above every list item: "Make Cover" and "Move." If you click the "Move" button you'll be given a dropdown menu where you can choose to move the item to one of your other lists.