The short answer: no.
I have over 400 patterns, so there's no way I can have tutorials for all of them, and if I started making tutorials for individual patterns, people would keep requesting more and more. The one picture cuff tutorial I have literally took me 10 hours, and I no longer have the free time to make another one. Once you understand how to make cuffs well enough, you'll understand individual patterns. If it's confusing for you, you just need more practice. Most people understand after doing my picture cuff tutorial a couple of times, because my picture cuff tutorial specifically explains how to follow patterns.
I have over 400 patterns, so there's no way I can have tutorials for all of them, and if I started making tutorials for individual patterns, people would keep requesting more and more. The one picture cuff tutorial I have literally took me 10 hours, and I no longer have the free time to make another one. Once you understand how to make cuffs well enough, you'll understand individual patterns. If it's confusing for you, you just need more practice. Most people understand after doing my picture cuff tutorial a couple of times, because my picture cuff tutorial specifically explains how to follow patterns.