TherianMajesty's Profile

Hi!! Making a mask rn!!

Tuesday Jan 2, 2024, 10:10 AM




Last online: 1-20-2024 4:45pm
  • Gender: Non-Binary (wolf/wolfs/wolfself )
  • I, Don't, Know What To Put Here!!
  • Profile Views: 140

TherianMajesty's Friends

Hi, I'm Emmi! I'm a Wolf or Dragon Therian, I am Non-Binary and go by Wolfself pronouns. Please use tonetags!! I am a Minor, so please don't be weird. My older sibling, Ross_TallyHallFan is helping me with this website and helping me set up my account rn. I like Wolfs, Dragons, Spongebob, Roblox, and a lot of other things! I have ADHD and that's ok!

DNI: AntiFurry, AntiTherian, P3d0s, Zoos


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