I Likey the Cupcake!

Description Materials: Hama/Perler Beads So my boyfriend's birthday was coming up. Me, with completely no money, was freaking out. Then it occurred to me, Why not make him something. Thus, I spent 2 days making this GIR out of perler beads. It was hell, trying to iron him together. I only had 2 big peg boards that connected ; A; So I had to do him side by side, iron one side then make the next. So basically, i had to iron him all together in the end. Cause no, gluing him together just would NOT work. This has to be my biggest project yet, and im so proud of it 8D He loved the gift, and it now hangs on his wall c: Eeee....<3 Please do NOT use this as a pattern or make a pattern out of this without MY permission. If you do have my permission you MUST credit me. Please and thank you.
Date 2012-03-04 18:43:29
Views 1588
Made by LipStainedPoison

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  • MikaSama
Mar 4, 2012 8:25 pm
It's GIR! <3