Dinosaur themed yarn falls

Description So I made these with yarn and lots of kandi beads, some of them can't be seen all that well but a number of them glow in the dark and it looks amazing at night. I am not much of a photographer. This is part of a two piece set, this just ties secure onto my own braid, then there is a braided set of yarn falls that clip on top. Sorry about the copy and paste format but it was the only way to capture any of the bead work in detail on these. The dinosaurs are really beautiful colors. The yarn itself is a lot of neon and black light colors, again I can not capture the vibrancy very well.
Date 2014-02-01 12:04:12
Views 742
Made by Rayven

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Aug 1, 2014 5:09 pm
I used a real simple macrame technique to make most of these falls but their are a few that are just sort of twisted instead to give a little variety. The spirals go either left or right depending on which way you tie your knots, so I did a few in either direction. None of these are really plain I just wish I could have gotten better pictures.