Kandi Help, Ideas & Advice

If you're looking for advice about your kandi, need help with something kandi-related, or want ideas, post your question here.

Displaying 701-710 of 2224 results.
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Business Ideas?

6/12/2022 10:23 pm 0 365

i need perler ideas

6/9/2022 11:53 am 3 424

help attatching figures to singles?

6/10/2022 09:18 pm 2 457

I need Pokémon kandi ideas!

5/26/2022 10:19 am 13 1312

Cosplay ideas with Kandi?

6/5/2022 10:51 am 5 607

please help lol

6/6/2022 09:13 pm 6 666

ideas for not having many beads

6/4/2022 05:51 pm 4 662

how to make kandi not tight

6/1/2022 12:35 pm 5 958

how long do kandi bags usually take?

6/4/2022 01:09 pm 4 538