how do u save ur pictures that u do ??????????????

Deleted Account 1/24/2013 08:30 am 932

1 Replies

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Jan 24, 2013 11:54 am
This question is too vague. I don't know if you're talking about photographs of kandi or patterns that you make in the pattern maker. To upload photographs of kandi, hover over Kandi Photos on the navigation bar and select the Upload Photo option. There's also a large green upload button at the top of the gallery pages. To save patterns that you make in the pattern maker, click the Upload icon which looks like an orange arrow pointing up. Type in a name for it, then click the button that says "Upload." If you want to share the pattern on the site so that others can use it, you also need to check the checkbox next to "Share on site." If you do choose to share the pattern be aware that not all patterns are accepted onto the site.