Pvnk_kidz's Profile




Last online: 9-12-2021 4:41pm
  • Gender: Male (He | It | Red)
  • Ohio, United States
  • Profile Views: 31

Pvnk_kidz's Friends

Hey! I'm Leon, 15, and I never learned how to make Kandi properly... but I'm trying?

I'm bisexual, and taken by the most wonderful partner in the whole wide friggin' WORLD!!! Oh and I'm a guy, but I really don't care what pronouns you use for me! I do get really bad dy5ph0r14,, so please no femme pronouns, thanx!!

Some of my special interests are Danganronpa, BNHA, and punk rock culture!! I heavily identify with Leon Kuwata and Hajigay Hinata! They make me feel very confident in my identity. And uH plz no Ed Sheeran Leon jokes, they make me uncomfortable.


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