Neopronounz's Profile




Last online: 6-01-2024 2:25am

Neopronounz's Friends

hi there!! im soda or cupid or key, whatever name u like!! i use lots of neopronouns and i love making kandi!! im 23 and ive been making kandi around 7 years now!

because i am a grown man i do not care what other people identify as. i love you lesboys and turigirls and transmasc lesbians and transfem gays and even mspec monos i love you all . i also love you my fellow xenogender and neopronoun users im holding hands w you rn. bc this discourse literally does not matter in real life and how other ppl describe the nuances of their gender and sexuality affects me in no way whatsoever

Neopronounz's Photos

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Neopronounz's Published Patterns

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