Grayskandicuffs8's Profile

Well I have school today don't know rlly how I feel

Tuesday Aug 30, 2016, 7:14 PM





Last online: 7-25-2019 11:47am
  • Profile Views: 2,659

Grayskandicuffs8's Friends

At the age of about 8 I descovered Kandi, ever since then it has made me who I am today. I feel free to be myself because of kandi. On the first day as a freshmen in highschool I found out they just added a new club... The K-pop club, As I sat there wondering what else was cool about K-pop it hit me OMG I used to be one of them! That day I went around school telling all my friends I was a K-pop kid. That entire day is what has sparked me to get back into the spirit of making kandi braclets. Now I don't go around saying I was a K-pop kid, I say I AM a K-pop kid, and that is all I will ever be.

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