XxMaxthedogxX's Profile

Tweaking out EPRWNT

Sunday Mar 3, 2024, 10:24 PM




Last online: 6-05-2024 8:59pm
  • Gender: Male (he/him, duh)
  • Utah, USA
  • Profile Views: 62

XxMaxthedogxX's Friends

hello fellow gooebers! I'm Max and heres something I put together for my about me!

▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚▚Name: Maxwell (call me Max)

Gender: I'm a man, I'm a male. I don't get into that- mentally ill sheit.

sexuality: Bisexual

Age range: 13-15

Likes: bears, sharks, math (DEPENDS), reading, writing, sleeping, eating, Tv girl, Cigarettes After Sex, other artists, Jinx, Homesick, LUMINE (my pfp). wearing skirts. The Guy Upstairs (TGU), DTE (Down To Earth), Cats, dogs, 'murica, drawing + animating, bracelet making, singing, dancing, South Park

Dislikes: when you can't bite your nail anymore or when you hit your finger on something and you feel the bone.


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