SailingCartoonist's Profile

Does anyone know how to add rows or columns to a pattern you're working on??? I always crop too early and forget to add borders, and can't add them afterwards. PLS let me know!

Sunday Nov 5, 2023, 9:50 PM




Last online: 3-19-2024 9:11pm
  • Gender: Genderfluid (She/He/They)
  • United States
  • Profile Views: 584

SailingCartoonist's Friends

Hi hi! I make stuff, and plan on using this site for my bead patterns. A lot of them will be inspired by other designs, so if you see something familiar, that's why! I mainly use 6/0 glass seed beads, and use a mix of Peyote and Square stitch, depending on the pattern. If you have a recommendation for a pattern, do let me know!

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