Shemsys's Profile




Last online: 3-01-2024 6:48am
  • Gender: transmasculine/butch/lesboy (he/she)
  • Profile Views: 703

Shemsys's Friends

hii I am moth or milo, we are an AuDHD median system, 15, and a TME (trans misogyny excluded) transs*xual butch lesbian

interests: homestuck, mcr, milo murphy's law/phineas and ferb, fashion history, linguistics, tmaga/p, precure, dan and phill and more

bands/musicians I like: mcr, gerard way, larua jane grace, against me!, sleater-kinney, black dresses, bratmobile, and a lot more

we are collectively alterhuman as most of us are extranths, therians, have kins or some other kind of non-humanness

please only use they/them for us when talking about us as a collective :) (unless otherwise stated)

we are radinclus but radqueer/transid please dni

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