Dizzyissy's Profile

sometimes i make perler beads

Sunday Jul 24, 2022, 8:50 AM




Last online: 3-15-2023 1:38pm
  • Gender: female (she her )
  • Mike, Hawk
  • Profile Views: 436

Dizzyissy's Friends

don’t be afraid to add me i’m in desperate need of friend

I guess I should write a little bit about me so

my favorite animal is cats, foxes, or red pandas

some of my interests are jjba, undertale, and art (also other useless things that would take a lot of time to list)

i’m mainly on here for the perler beads but looking at cuffs and stuff is still cool

uhhh uhhh uhhh that’s it i guess idk what else to write about :D


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