Rebis_greatwork's Profile




Last online: 5-20-2022 2:15pm
  • Gender: Male
  • Oklahoma, USA
  • Profile Views: 132

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For if what I say is true, then I do well to be persuaded of the truth,

but if there be nothing after death, still, during the short time

that remains, I shall save my friends from lamentations, and my ignorance

will not last, and therefore no harm will be done. This is the state

of mind, Simmias and Cebes, in which I approach the argument. And

I would ask you to be thinking of the truth and not of Socrates: agree

with me, if I seem to you to be speaking the truth; or if not, withstand

me might and main, that I may not deceive you as well as myself in

my enthusiasm, and, like the bee, leave my sting in you before I die.


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