My Favorite Kandi Top Hat

Description Heres some pics of my favorite kandi top hat I've made so far. I did this one for a trade. It was based off a picture the girl I was trading with had drawn of her Neko Squirl. (long story. Anyhoot, It has a double brim, and and some ribbons and a fuzzy ball added to it. The other rather cool feature I added I think is the criss cross stretch string bands on the under side. I hated having to permently attach a Kandi Hat to a headband. So I wanted to make em so they can be changed out. That way I can have a box of kandi hats and a box of seperate headbands and mix and match em how I choose. Plus it makes it easer to ship without a headband attached. ;p
Date 2012-10-21 08:53:38
Views 1988
Made by Wolffy

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  • DoctorTwitch
Jan 14, 2013 10:05 pm
So cute, Challenge Accepted ;D
Oct 22, 2012 5:11 am
"StarLightKandi": I Want One Like That So Bad I learned how to make a kandi top hat from watching Celluarmango on youtube. (She is my kandi Goddess!!!) Once I had made a few basic ones to get the idea down, I played around a bit and came up with the double brim. I'm sure you could make one with a little time and trial and error! >^^< winking
  • StarLightKandi
Oct 21, 2012 4:30 pm
I Want One Like That So Bad