Custom Purse [Arle]

Description Black, dark & light pearl purple pony beads used.
Date 2014-03-31 22:07:21
Views 827
Made by thekandifairy

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May 13, 2014 4:03 pm
I hope you had a great Earth Day! Yeah, the sides are pretty easy, you just attach them like you would when you attach a back to the front. Just line up the beads from the front and side and run your string through, just make sure it's tight. Don't worry, most of making creative kandi is trial and error, you'll get everything to work how you want it to. happy
Apr 4, 2014 10:56 pm
I thought it was all done together. I am gonna try it, but not now cause I am preparing for Earth Day on the 19th. But I am gonna get back to you when I do try it. I made purses, but the were flat. I have some pictures and I just crisscross my string on the sides because it could figure out how to do the sides. I'm just really trying to improve them, I guess. Thank you.
Apr 4, 2014 4:29 pm
It's actually really easy, I make the front and back panels then, I decide how wide I want the purse. From there, I make the two side panels and attach the front and back to the sides. Lastly, the bottom panel, I make it to where it will easily attach to the front and back[the beads go the same way] so it all lines up nicely. After that, I take the fishing line and thread it through the bottom of the side panels and the end of the bottom panel. If you would like more details, just message me xD
Apr 1, 2014 6:50 am
How do you make your purse with a square bottom?