3D Knife necklace

Description So after playing around with 3D charms (aka my lil mushroom from a while ago), I wanted to make something a bit more catered towards my taste. I’m super proud of how this knife came out cause I kinda just winged it LMAO I haven’t seen anyone else make anything like this so I had to come up with my own design. It may or may not be stuffed with hot glue but that’s not important right now.. heh -w-
Date 2020-10-14 14:56:11
Views 14667

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Oct 20, 2021 3:28 pm

@ramuda: @V4MP1RE_GUTZZ:@Womp: @bendrownedirl: @froggiesoda: @miikxnz:

guys if u wana make this go on mood kandi kandi mushroom tutorial and go to the stem part. Do the stem part and add the ones until u get to the part where you'll attach the knife blade thingy. Add two beads to give it a wide shape. This part is hard to explain but ill try my best to explain it. So before tying it off, put hot glue or paper in it to make it look thick. after that add one bead and string it through the two beads. only do this TWO times or else it'll just be a closed hole. For the blade part simply make a peyote and tie it onto the knife other thingy lmao. I hope this helps blushthumbsupmariocar

Oct 20, 2021 3:49 pm

@BL00DP0P: THANK YOU LOL ive never made a tutorial because this whole project was done on a whim and i had no idea how to explain it :') but i did use the mushroom technique to make the handle (basically just a tiny multistich cuff but closed and tied off at one end)

and for anyone else looking to make this, just know its far from perfect despite the photo. the handle is filled with hot glue because it was so flimsy and theres cardboard glued to the back of the blade. but because its a necklace that doesnt really matter. just a word of advice to anyone looking to make theirs more durable thumbsuprainbowsmile

Oct 20, 2021 4:08 pm


Dec 2, 2021 6:23 pm

@BL00DP0P: Hello! Can you explain the blade part in more detail to me?

Dec 2, 2021 6:50 pm

@pugp212: okie! ill try my best to explain this in much detail

so for the blade you'll just make a normal peyote. Start at the middle (look at the picture) when you're at the point part there are two ways you can do this:

1. sew the beads on. This might be tricky but its what it sounds like. FOr example, look at the two red beads on the shorter side of the blade. Sew on a red bead . Youll do the same for the rest. If you've made flat charms before this should be a piece of cake.

2. the part I found easier but its hard to explain but watch this Mood kandis pacman tutorial and go to 1:03. When you master that it should work out!

if you are still having issues I can make a tutorial on this but ill need pepbutz permission.

hope this helps!

Apr 11, 2022 12:39 pm

how did you attatch the blade to the handle?

Apr 12, 2022 3:28 am

@em0kidxd: It’s a little hard to see but there are two silver beads at the base of the blade. I extended the bottom of the blade with those silver beads, at about half of its main width so I could slip it inside of the handle.

Sep 8, 2023 8:57 pm

Can someone do a tutorial please

  • Nina
May 24, 2024 7:35 pm

can someone PLEASE make a video tutorial on this??? it looks so cool I love it ????♥?rainbowsmile

May 24, 2024 7:42 pm

Can someone please make a video tutorial on this? kao cry heart bounce