Elizabeth Midford Chess Bord Kandi Pattern

Elizabeth Midford Chess Bord Kandi Pattern
Made by white_rabbit_alice
Description Elizabeth_Midford_chess_bord
Date 2012-08-18 10:23:21
Hits 3337
Bead Counts
Size 36 columns wide x 9 rows tall

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Aug 19, 2012 6:52 am
i made this in honor of kuroshitsuji aka black butler ciel's bride to be Elizabeth wants to play chess like her beloved but hates the colors of the bored so she gets a chess bored to match her style covered in pink and red dots (note this story is not true just my thinking that led to the creation of this pattern) i think that those dots would probablly be rare gems thats why i'm going to use pearl pony beads for this