did I get the wrong snaps for my purse?

KandiDogLance 1/19/2016 10:59 am 1717

I went to Hobby Lobby to get beads and whatnot for my 1st kandi bag...and realized I don't know crap about what button to use for a clasp. After confusing a few employees, I left Hobby Lobby with magnetic snaps with prongs. I can't post a link from my phone for some reason, so google if you're confused. I figure I could attach these somehow even tho it won't be perfect...or should I not even bother?

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Jan 25, 2016 10:24 am

Lol I'm 26.

Anyway I finished the purse yesterday but I didn't mess with the snaps yet. I think they'll work out. But now that I have the purse and tried it out during my normal day, I don't think it'll make a difference whether or not I have snaps.

Jan 23, 2016 7:31 pm

a link or even a photo if you could get it uploaded at a computer would be helpful without seeing it we cant make a judgement call or even give advice really well.

if you don't have a computer i can say that the local library usually lets people use them provided they're fine free. Another valid option is and i hate to explot this week point but a vast majority of schools will ban most mainstream sites from school computers so as not to distract kids however niche sites like this tend to not be thought about or even deemed a problem until a vast majority of students find it because the school didn't know it existed. (sorry if i'm assuming your younger than you actually are)