Add more then one photo to your Kandi photo.

Deleted Account 8/17/2013 10:23 pm 1062

Just go to paint and follow these instructions. Open Paint on your computer. Expand the white work area by clicking on the edge and dragging. 2 Choose the pictures that you will be inserting into Paint. 3 If you are importing your pictures from the internet, click on one of them in your browser and select copy. 4 In Paint, select "Paste." The picture that you clicked will be inserted into the program. If you are importing your picture from a file on your computer, select "Paste from" and choose the image you want to include. Your picture will be inserted into the upper left hand corner of your work area. 5 Click on the image and drag it away from the left side of the screen. All pictures are inserted into the left hand corner so you need to give yourself space for your second picture. 6 Repeat steps three and four to insert your second picture. Repeat step five in addition to steps three and four, if you are inserting more than two pictures. 7 To rearrange your images once they are in your work area, click on the "Select" button and draw a box around each image one at a time. While the image is selected, drag the picture to its appropriate spot. Read more: I re sized my pictures to 75%

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  • westflagator72
Aug 24, 2013 11:33 pm
You are welcome Fluffy
  • XxstaciaskittlezxX
Aug 18, 2013 6:08 pm
Also if you take pictures on a smartphone you can get the pic stitch app and you can add more than one pictures in a photo
Aug 18, 2013 12:07 pm
omg thank you .-.
  • westflagator72
Aug 18, 2013 7:01 am
I hope this helps everyone out.