how do you open an existing pattern in bead designer

Deleted Account 10/12/2012 09:20 am 1229

i know a while back i was able to open existing patterns in the designer so that i can see the numbers on the beads. but for some reason i cant seem to find that option 2.gif can someone please help me? 2.gif

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Oct 12, 2012 9:30 am
There are two ways you can see numbers on existing patterns: Using the designer: 1) Click on the folder icon (load uploaded picture) then scroll to the pattern you want and click "load." 2) Click the "number multi pattern" icon which looks like a white square with numbers on it, with a green plus sign over the top. You can then hit the save icon (floppy disc) to save the image to your computer. Using the site (not the designer) Click on the "Your Stuff" link in the left hand column under User Menu. When you click onto a pattern from that page you can add numbers to it by using the links below the image: "Add Numbers" "Show Numbered Pattern" "Re-number pattern"