For some strange reason...

Deleted Account 10/1/2012 04:40 pm 1256

For some strange reason I seem to be messing up or doing the kandi pattern diagrams wrong. I seem to somehow not need a needed bead and have to use my own thoughts to finish the cuff. Any helpful ideas? Any solutions? If any of you need more information to answer me please tell me. 3.gif Thank you. 8.gif

4 Replies

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  • Hardstyle_Darkness
Oct 2, 2012 3:35 pm
Hmm yeah. I am going through two beads. Let me look at those links and ill get back to you.
Oct 2, 2012 3:20 pm
It does take longer to tie it off for every row. Are you threading through two beads at the end of every row? And you're supposed to start at the next bead every two rows. If that's hard to understand(I'm not very good at explaining things), then here are some links: big grin
  • Hardstyle_Darkness
Oct 2, 2012 3:14 pm
"wandi": Have you tried tying off for every row you do? Like, add a rows beads, tie, cut, add beads, tie, cut, etc? That way you're being sure that every space has a bead and you're not skipping any beads in each row I suppose I could try and do that. Doesnt it take a while longer to do though? Thanks for the advice btw.
  • wandi
Oct 2, 2012 6:57 am
Have you tried tying off for every row you do? Like, add a rows beads, tie, cut, add beads, tie, cut, etc? That way you're being sure that every space has a bead and you're not skipping any beads in each row