whats ur guys' kandi ick ??

L1L7_P4TT3RNS 1/23/2025 12:21 pm 2590

i randomly thought of this and now im dying to know

65 Replies

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Jan 25, 2025 3:39 am

@snakebites: the only beads my parents will let me buy are 10500 mixed unorganized beads cryingthey take so long to sort

Jan 25, 2025 2:40 am

patterns that are impossible to make 1:1 because the colors are too specific or a super detailed gradient

or when people dont crop patterns so its just a 5x5 perler in a 25x25 template crying

this is just something that just doesnt make sense in my mind but when people upload cuff patterns that are just pride flags with no other alterations done to them like they're just solid colored stripes its not that complicated... and its also so overdone like I dont think we need another 30 trans flag cuffs kao sick /nbr

when people upload literally anything??? like a pattern thats just a bunch of scribbles or a flat-out solid color, it just kinda drowns out actual pattern submissions

flameexcess stringflame *eye twitch*

Jan 24, 2025 10:48 am

ladder cuffs kao cry

Jan 24, 2025 10:44 am

Making a cuff for someone only for them to not wear it shock


Jan 24, 2025 10:38 am


Jan 24, 2025 9:55 am


Jan 24, 2025 9:53 am

@DucksterPeep: fr all of those. especially when people ask you to make them one, Like No. i'm running out of beads and you're not even gonna wear it. so no. crying

Jan 24, 2025 9:49 am

i dunno if this is a texture issue but chokers. I like how they look byt they make me wanna rip the skin off so I don't wear them.

Jan 24, 2025 9:41 am

1. the beads falling when you try tying it

2. When people ask if you could make them one (answer is no bestie)

3. The knot showing crying

4. When you're almost done but you realized you made an error and have to redo like 50% of the cuff shock

5. Having to tie more string to finish a project

6. When your favorite color of beads are about to flatline (rip to my blue and pink beads. great sacrifice to miku)

7. A perler one but when the pegboard warps after ironing cryingcryingcrying

9. Gifting/trading someone some kandi only for it to be too big/small for the person

10. Kandi breaking at school

11. When you pull on the string too tight or you barely pulled it so the cuff looks so wrong

12. When you think you messed up so you're trying to redo the cuff over and over again only to realize you were doing it right this entire time

13. When you buy the same color of a bead but it's from a diff company so the color slightly looks different

14. When the pony beads aren't shaved enough and it itches your skin

15. running out of string but you still have tons of beads (staring at the beads without string is a pain)

16. matte beads (they feel weird but i only have some just for the cute color crying)

17. When people say you have way too many bracelets on

18. When the kandi gets too annoying to wear and you have the urge to yoink it off (sensory issues get outta here)

19. When you think you cut enough string but you end up needing to tie on more

20. When you cut more string than intended and the left over string can't be used for other projects since it's too short

(holy yaps a lot, why did i put this much HELPPP)

Jan 24, 2025 8:40 am

@residentSiMoN: I sometimes actually like when I find the fused ones , it makes singles a little more interesting kao blush