BeadSpiration!?! You NEED to See This!!!!!!!

TurboBeads 3/26/2016 10:25 pm 1790

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I made a video inspired by a Kandi pattern found here! I Hope you like it..

Let me know what you think.. Everyones feedback would be great!

Check it out:


Click the link here: Bead to Inspire:Hope [Youtube]

If yal like it feel free to subscribe! I plan to make more videos like this in the future!

Thank you everyone for your support!

4 Replies

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Mar 28, 2016 1:55 pm
@cantsleepcantspeak: Thank you as well, even though you might be a beginner you are still able to make

amazing things as well, just stick with it and stay possitive

Mar 28, 2016 1:52 pm

@narojaves: Thank you so much! yeah the dandy lions took the longest to film. really glad you enjoyed it.

Mar 27, 2016 12:05 pm

That was a cute video! Very well made too, I loved the time-lapse of the flowers. kao smile

Mar 27, 2016 8:58 am

i would just like to say, while i am a beginner, that was absolutely amazingkitten