Kandi Mask..

Xx_Sixx_xX 1/18/2016 06:15 pm 2711

I've been making kandi for about a year now and in that year I've made about 4 masks...my problem here is, is I can't seem to make them to the right ize. They are either way too big for my face or way two small. How do I fix this?

This is a mask I made about a month ago and its way to big for me and I dont know how to improve making masks besides practice because I don't have enough time on my hands to really make masks.


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Feb 14, 2016 6:07 pm

You might find that the mask pattern I use will work better for you. ^-^ I'll give you a link to one of my patterns, and you can always open it in the pattern maker and draw your own design over the shape! If it's too wide, you can just erase columns off of the sides, but make sure to keep the number of columns odd or the stitch won't look right.


It will also help if you sew the two points at the top and also the bottom together so that it will lay on your face nicely. The way it's done is to put the string through the middle bead and the two beads next to it, and then lace it up like a corset and tie it at the top. I couldn't find a good tutorial for you on that, but try searching for it if you are having trouble. ^-^

Feb 14, 2016 5:07 pm

Babe it's not you, it's the patterns you pick in an addition to your cute baby-sized face. keep going darling, you can do it!! <3