so I am really into LPS and customizing whatever model comes my way, It could be real, fake, a rinky dink basic bitch base, or...eugh... gen 3 pets....and I'll tear it apart and make a whole ass new pet
So the current generation of pets are very cute and very easy to get so im doing what I can to get a shit ton of em to customize to my liking....but here is the thing, im just one person ;-; I cant really do all this work on my own. Okay I can but it will take a very long time to make concepts and shit like that. But then I got an idea.
My pinterest is now officially public and everyone can see it, and I have a LPS board that is dedicated to custom pets and moodboards for potential concepts.What if I invited yall to that board so we can contribute to making a bunch of custom pets :O?
I'll make a section thats for finished concepts so people can actually see what they will probably look like when they are done and another section to put supplies like clay, paint, resin accessories and shit like that. What do you guys think? Wanna join in
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