I’m a month in and I just wanna get/ give advice about this. I’ve been struggling with really bad back face, chest, and leg acne for the past 3 years. The creams and gels and other medicines my doctor has given me have helped but have not helped to clear my skin. I’ve tried to cover it with makeup for 6 months. My parents know I’ve been insecure about this and try their best to help me. I’ve been on Accutane for a month now after a few years of my dermatologist urging me to do so.
what I can say from this is it works. It just works really well I am feeling more comfortable in my skin, I’m breaking out less, and I have less bumps. I’m only a month on it and I’ve been told I should be completely clear by summer which is so exiting. I however experience very dry skin especially on my lips nose and hands. I’m developing mild eczema on my hands which is to be expected. The symptoms will calm down more as I get into more months of this and I’m do excited to be done with acne.
Acne is so hard to deal with, if you’re a certain age just know it’s inevitable and you can really only do so much. Skincare matters, just make sure your skin is clean. Don’t overdo it . It can make you break out. Just find out what’s best for you and your skin. If struggle with acne and how you look just know it does get better accutane or not, you can feel confident and comfortable with acne(I’ve discovered that this past summer) and I’ve calmed down with using makeup I’m so happy to be in a place to tell people about this.
Feel free to give advice or ask questions
Edit: Thank you for wishing me well
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